Provide scholarships to train women as physicians, nurses, and social workers image

Provide scholarships to train women as physicians, nurses, and social workers

Create a fundraiser to benefit the people of Tanzania who need critical medical care today

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$4,076 towards $5,000

81 19 U


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Recurring Donors

International Women's Day is celebrated each year on March 8. Through our work in healthcare in Tanzania, the PSCTP team knows that access to education in healthcare-related fields is extremely difficult for the people in Tanzania, especially for women.

As part of PSCTP's commitment to provide healthcare to the men, women and children in Tanzania, we will be kicking off an International Women's Day fundraising campaign on March 1. We are asking our fellow board members, officers, and committee members to rally their friends, family, and networks to help PSCTP continue to provide healthcare-related scholarships to women in Tanzania. By becoming a fundraiser, you will help many who need medical care and you'll help your friends "feel good about doing good."

Starting a fundraiser is fun and easy to do. We'll provide all the tools you'll need to make a difference. With your help, we can continue to provide scholarships so that Tanzanian healthcare professionals may serve their fellow citizens for years to come.

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4 people have already started fundraising for this campaign!

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